
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Responding to the Call

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Reading: Mark 1:1-8

Verse 4: “John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”

Photo credit: Savvas Kalimeris

We begin the week in Mark’s gospel. It was the first gospel written. It is short and concise. Mark mostly focuses on the three years of Jesus’ active ministry. Matthew’s and Luke’s gospels were built upon Mark’s and add much more detail to Jesus’ life, particularly to his birth. John’s gospel is similar to Mark’s in its focus. After a short Genesis-ish “birth story,” John jumps right to where Mark begins, with John the Baptist. Just think – if we only had Mark’s and John’s gospels we’d likely not have nativity sets and childrens’ Christmas programs and…

Verse 1 states that Mark’s gospel is “about Jesus Christ, the son of God.” And then Mark leads us out into the Judean wilderness. Quoting from Isaiah as a means to quickly set the stage, Mark reminds his readers of the prophecy that foretold of one “calling in the desert.” The call was to prepare oneself for the coming of the Lord, to straighten out one’s life so that one was ready to receive the Messiah into one’s heart.

Responding to this call from God, we read, “John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” John called people to repent of their sins – to clean up their lives. This was the first step in readying people for Jesus’ coming. Laying their sins before God and repenting of them – committing to holy living – people were then baptized in the Jordan River. In this season of Advent may we too make ourselves right with God and, remembering our baptism, may we commit our lives once again to holy living.

Prayer: Lord God, may we hear the call of John the Baptist as a call upon our lives and hearts too. Help us to realize the full weight of the call to repent, to turn away from our sin and disobedience, and to walk closely with you again. And may we also remember that the burden is light and that the way is easy because you walk with us. Amen.

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