
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

A Holy Kiss

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Reading: Psalm 85:8-13

Verse 10: “Faithful love and truth have met; righteousness and peace have kissed.”

Our second half of Psalm 85 with promises of peace, salvation, and the glory of the Lord. What wonderful words for the people to hear. God has felt absent for a while now. To beg for God’s presence and to hear these words in response – what hope! Embedded in these words are also things that the people must live out. They must return to being God’s people, fearing the Lord by living lives that honor and adhere to God’s will and ways. The relationship is not one-way.

The Psalm pivots in verse 10. Here we read, “Faithful love and truth have met; righteousness and peace have kissed.” The coming together of these four qualities of God are sealed with a kiss. In our time, this is no longer a common practice or gesture. This kiss, one gentle expression of friendship, love, and peace, was a greeting between close friends and family. This kiss was tender and vulnerable. This kiss expressed genuine affection and it welcomed both parties back into intimate relationship.

Today’s equivalent may be the handshake and the hug. My wife and I went to a reunion of sorts last night. It was folks who had taught and worked together at a school that closed at the end of 2012. There were some folks I waved to and smiled at from across the room. Some I shook hands with and then we shared in small talk. A side hug was the greeting that was used. We shared in a bit deeper conversation about our lives. For many, the hug was embracing and lasted a few seconds. The conversation thereafter was genuine and deep, bringing us right back to 2012 and then up to last night. In today’s text, that is the holy kiss shared between God and God’s people. May that be how we greet God as we open our Bibles, as we bow our heads, as we worship, and as we engage God’s world.

Prayer: Lord God, each time that we draw near to you, may it be filled with genuine affection and deep love, faithfulness, righteousness, and peace. And as we go from our time together, may these be the fragrance and outpouring of our lives, drawing others towards you. Amen.

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