
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

A Twisted Tale!

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Readings: Genesis 25:19-34, Genesis 26, Genesis 27, Genesis 28:1-9

Genesis 27:27: “So he came close and kissed him. When Isaac smelled the scent of his clothes, he blessed him.”

Continuing with the rest of chapter 25 today, Jacob and Esau are about to be born. The violent fighting in the womb leads Rebekah to seek the Lord. God reveals to her two truths: the twins will be two nations and the older will serve the younger. This revelation drives the story going forward. Esau loves the outdoors, Jacob the indoors. Esau is loved by Isaac, Jacob by Rebekah. As the chapter ends, the heel-grabber takes advantage of Esau’s hunger, stealing the birthright for some stew. Esau is short-sighted. Jacob is calculating.

In chapter 26 a famine forces a move. Once in Gerar, Isaac lies about Rebekah: “She’s my sister.” Same lie, one generation later. King Abimelech discovers the rouse and prevents any curses. God blessed Isaac and the Philistines get very jealous, forcing Isaac to move away. There’s some fighting over wells but finally Isaac finds space and good water – signs of God’s blessing. Abimelech realizes this and comes and makes a treaty with Isaac.

Isaac has grown old as chapter 27 begins. As death nears, it is time to bless Esau, the oldest and his favorite. Going against cultural norms, Isaac invites only Esau to the blessing. But Rebekah overhears and schemes to steal the blessing for Jacob. Or is she just trying to make sure God’s revelation comes true…? The planning and execution are thorough – food, animal skins, clothing. It all works only after Isaac smells “Esau.” In verse 27 we read, “So he came close and kissed him. When Isaac smelled the scent of his clothes, he blessed him.” Afterwards, both Esau and Isaac are furious. Esau plots to murder Jacob. In response, Rebekah tricks Isaac into sending Jacob away to find a wife from their kin. In spite, Esau married yet another Canaanite woman, this time it is Ishmael’s daughter.

What a twisted tale we weave! Lies, deception, theft, anger, revenge. Or… is it all just God’s plan working itself out?… Before we dismiss these evil actions, let us realize that we too can go down these roads (or make similar evil choices.) As was the case long ago, in the midst of poor choices and evil actions God can and will work to accomplish God’s plans. For this unending grace and love that we too experience, we say thanks be to God!

Prayer: Lord God, as it was with our ancestors, so it is with us. These evil traits displayed long ago are certainly alive and well in our world and even in our lives. Lord, first help us to see this in ourselves. Then bend us towards the good. Give us the patience to trust into your plans. Grant us the courage to be grace and love when others are unkind to or are deceitful with us. Lead us in the way that we should go. Amen.

One thought on “A Twisted Tale!

  1. Wow! Nailed it Pastor John. Only by the grace of good we keep working to be Christ like

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