
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Finding God

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Readings: 1st Samuel 4, 1st Samuel 5, 1st Samuel 6, 1st Samuel 7

1st Samuel 5:11 – “Send the chest of Israel’s God away! Let it go back to its own home so it doesn’t kill us and our people.”

Have you ever been around someone who has said something like, “I feel like we should say a prayer or something?” This thought reminds me of Israel at this point in their story. They have a vague notion of God but have no clue about how to really connect to the Lord. As the battle with the Philistines goes badly, they wonder why God would let this happen. But instead of praying or doing anything else that might connect them to God, they decide to bring the ark of the covenant to the next battle. This battle turns out worse. 30,000 die, the ark is captured, and Hophni and Phinehas die. This news causes Eli to fall over dead.

The ark brings nothing but trouble to the Philistines. They put it in their temple and their god Dagon falls over. They set it aright and the next morning it’s toppled again, this time missing its head and hands. The hand of God brings tumors on the people. Finally the Philistines say, “Send the chest of Israel’s God away! Let it go back to its own home so it doesn’t kill us and our people.” The Philistines even include an offering to honor God. At this point they know God better than the Israelites know God. The ark is received back. Time passes and Israel begins to long for God. Something is beginning to stir in their hearts.

Samuel calls the people back to God. He tells them to get rid of their idols and foreign gods. They gather with Samuel at Mizpah. Samuel draws and pours out water. They fast and confess their sins. And the Philistines gather an army. Israel is afraid. They look to Samuel. He prays to God and makes an offering. God brings Israel the victory. Samuel sets up an Ebenezer – a stone of remembering. There is peace. Samuel rules as a judge. All seems well…

Prayer: Lord God, today I’m reminded of how life seems to go when we go it on our own versus walking with you. When I’m tempted to sort of seek you, call me out. Remind me that it is my whole heart, soul, and mind that you seek. Pour those temptations out like water and draw me to the rock of faith that is a sure foundation. Amen.

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