
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

The Ideal King

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Readings: 2nd Chronicles 5:2-14, 2nd Chronicles 6, 2nd Chronicles 7, 2nd Chronicles 8, 2nd Chronicles 9

2nd Chronicles 5:13c – “Yes, God is good! Yes, God’s faithful love lasts forever!”

Photo credit: Diego Gennaro

Our readings today begin with the dedication of the temple. All Israel gathers as the chest, tabernacle, and holy items are brought up to the temple. As the chest is placed in the holy place, this praise is lifted to God: “Yes, God is good! Yes, God’s faithful love lasts forever!” These words of David, originally spoken when the chest first came into Jerusalem, will be repeated again and again.

Solomon offers a long and beautiful prayer. In many ways he asks God to be with them and to hear and answer their prayers. Prophetically he even included an acknowledgement of sin that will lead to exile. Solomon prays that even then and there, God will hear the prayers of their changed hearts. Fire falls from heaven as God’s initial response to Solomon’s prayer. A great amount of sacrifices and a huge celebration follow. These two things are connected – a holy BBQ!

God visits Solomon again, reiterating God’s covenant loyalty and a deep willingness to listen to Israel’s prayers – if they are obedient, humble, seeking God, and turning from their evil ways. It is as if this last part were a given. Solomon’s reign and legacy will last forever if he and his descendants also walk in these ways.

The last two chapters testify to Solomon’s wealth, wisdom, and fame. He builds and builds. He receives the Queen of Sheba and other foreign powers, adding to both his fame and wealth. He is far and away the greatest king ever. Here ends the chronicler’s report on Solomon as he dies after ruling Israel for 40 years. Solomon has been portrayed as the ideal Davidic king. The chronicler returns to reality as the story continues with Rehoboam.

Prayer: Lord God, as we read and celebrate this part of Solomon’s reign, may we also remember his shadow side as well. Yes, the mountains are magnificent. But the valleys are there too. The valleys are the proving grounds, the refineries, the places of formation and shaping. May we value both, O Lord. Amen.

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