
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

God’s Faithfulness

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Readings: 2nd Chronicles 10, 2nd Chronicles 11, 2nd Chronicles 12, 2nd Chronicles 13

2nd Chronicles 12:12 – “Total destruction was avoided. There were, after all, some good things still in Judah.”

Leaving behind the ideal kings David and Solomon – at least according to the chronicler – we turn today to the reigns of Rehoboam and Abijah. Jeroboam of Israel is also a minor part of the story. Rehoboam’s reign begins poorly. He allows the pride of youth to lead him to a bad decision and God’s people are split into two nations. Jeroboam rules over ten tribes in the northern kingdom. Rehoboam rules over two in the southern kingdom of Judah. In comparison, Rehoboam is a good king. Through Shemaiah the prophet, war is avoided. Rehoboam strengthens his defenses. The Levites flee the idolatry of the northern kingdom and support Rehoboam.

But Rehoboam was not faithful to God. So God sends Egypt to bring divine punishment. But God sends Shemaiah and Rehoboam and Israel’s elders submit to God. God relents – somewhat. Egypt attacks and is victorious, hauling away the treasures of the temple and the palace. We find a silver lining in verse 12:12 – “Total destruction was avoided. There were, after all, some good things still in Judah.” Warfare with Jeroboam marks the rest of Rehoboam’s monarchy.

Abijah becomes the next king of Judah. Jeroboam and 800,000 soldiers march out against Abijah and 400,000 soldiers. Abijah first calls out Israel’s unfaithfulness and reminds them of Judah’s faithfulness. He claims that God is on Judah’s side. This proves to be true as Judah wins a stunning victory, killing 500,000 soldiers from Israel. This blow weakens Jeroboam, who soon dies, struck down by the Lord.

In today’s readings we see a truth that flows throughout the scriptures: God is merciful to those who are faithful or who turn back to God with changed hearts. When we falter or doubt or sin – which we will more surely do – may we remember God’s faithfulness, turning once again to the one who is always merciful and loving.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the reminder of your great love and mercy. Draw us back to you again and again when we turn from you over and over. God, you are so good and so faithful. Thank you. Amen.

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