
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Through It All

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Readings: 2nd Chronicles 33, 2nd Chronicles 34, 2nd Chronicles 35, 2nd Chronicles 36

2nd Chronicles 34:2 – “He did what was right in the LORD’s eyes… not deviating from it even a bit to the right or left.”

Today we begin with Manasseh. The first part of his long reign is as evil as could be. He leads Judah to do great evil in God’s eyes. He is captured and hauled off to Babylon. There he repents and submits himself fully to God. Returned to Judah, he removes pagan worship and serves the Lord. Manasseh dies and gives way to Amon. He is so evil he’s killed by his own officials after just two years.

Josiah reigns for 31 years. Right away he has Judah purified of idol worship and he repairs the temple and its system. The priest Hilkiah finds the instruction scroll and it is read to Josiah. He tears his clothing, realizing that God must be furious. Josiah renews the covenant and celebrates the Passover. Josiah then interferes in Neco’s war, despite God sending the Egyptians to war. Josiah is injured and dies. Jehoahaz rules for three months and then is removed by the Egyptian king.

Jehoiakim and Jehoachin reign next. Both do evil in God’s eyes. The Assyrians come during Jehoiakim’s reign, conquering Judah. Hezekiah is appointed as a puppet king. He does evil. He ignores Jeremiah. He rebels against King Nebuchadnezzar. Assyria levels all of Jerusalem and hauls almost everything and everyone off into exile in Babylon.

Chronicles ends with two bright spots. Because of the exile, the land will lie fallow. This healing fulfills the words of Jeremiah. A new power emerges in the world scene: Persia. King Cyrus receives a word from God: build the temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus orders the followers of God to go back home. God is at work once again.

Prayer: Lord God, through the ups and downs, through the good and the bad, through it all – you remain present to the people of God. You do the same with us. Your love and faithfulness knows no bounds. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

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