
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Confident and Trusting

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Readings: Nehemiah 1, Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah 3, Nehemiah 4

Nehemiah 4:14 – “Don’t be afraid of them! Remember that the LORD is great and awesome! Fight for your families… sons… daughters… wives… houses!”

Nehemiah is the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. He lives a comfortable life in the palace of the Persian king. One day some Jews returning from Jerusalem bring him news from Judah: “The captives are in great trouble and shame.” Moved by his God, Nehemiah fasts, weeps, and prays for days. Returning to work, he is still visibly upset. The king notices and inquires. In the end, Nehemiah heads to Jerusalem with letters of protection and support from the king.

The local officials are unhappy that he has arrived to rebuild Jerusalem. After rest, he secretly inspects the walls and gates at night. Gathering the Jewish leaders he basically says, ‘We’re in trouble.’ He calls them to rebuild and they respond enthusiastically. Chapter 3 contains a long list of the families that took part. The team effort and sense of connection is evident. It is based upon their identity found in God.

Sanballat and Tobiah and others oppose the work. Making fun of them turns to insulting them and then it becomes a plan to attack the Jews. News of this comes to Nehemiah and he responds by organizing the workers into family groups. He gives them this encouragement: “Don’t be afraid of them! Remember that the LORD is great and awesome! Fight for your families… sons… daughters… wives… houses!” Half the men work while half stand guard, weapons in hand. The people stay in Jerusalem overnight instead of going back home, thwarting an attack at night. Work continues to progress.

Nehemiah leads well, trusting in the God who stirred his heart to go to rebuild his ancestral home. When God or the Spirit or the Word stirs our heart, may we be as confident and trusting in the Lord.

Prayer: Lord God, what a sure faith Nehemiah had. He heard and responded and was then guided by you. Give us ears to hear, O Lord. Open our hearts to respond. Encourage our faith as we seek to serve you. Bless the work. Amen.

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