
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Cycle 1

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Readings: Job 6, – Job 14

Job 11:7 – “Can you find the secret of God or find the extent of the Almighty?”

Today’s readings complete the first cycle of Job’s conversations (arguments?) with his three “friends.” This pattern occurs two more times. In chapters 6-7 Job speaks. He longs for his suffering to end. He again reasserts his innocence. Job accuses his friends of disloyalty and then he asks them to help him understand his situation. And then he asks to be left alone. These are thoughts and feelings that we’ve all had in times of suffering.

Bildad responds by inviting Job to look to the past. There Job will see a God of justice and faithfulness. He advises Job to turn to God, to confess and repent, and then God will “fill your mouth with joy.” Job counters by asking if anyone can truly be innocent before God. Even though no one can contend with God’s power, Job still wants a contest (or trial) with the God who “destroys the blameless and the sinners.” Quite an accusation! But in a moment of realization, Job speaks of a mediator – one who could stand impartially between God and Job. Then Job’s case could be heard. As chapter 10 closes, a darkness descends. Job longs for death, even wishes he wasn’t even born.

Zophar responds, reminding Job of God’s wisdom that is far beyond Job’s understanding – but within Zophar’s! Oh that Job would just confess and repent. Then Job could “lift up your face without blemish.” Job responds by acknowledging God’s superiority but quickly reminds Zophar that he is not superior to Job. He again claims his innocence and longs to just speak with God. His life is now nothing. What does he have to lose?

In chapter 14 Job bookends a hopeful thought with the realities of life. We bloom and then whither like a flower. Life is too short. In verse 13 Job speaks a hopeful but impossible thought: if God would just place him in Sheol until God’s anger passed. Then God could restore Job. Cycle two begins tomorrow!

Prayer: Lord God, what swings of emotion and thought. What ups and downs as Job and his friends try and make sense of all this suffering. We too wrestle with these things. We too get caught up in our struggles and trials. When we do, Lord, pull us back to the reality of your sure and steadfast love. Amen.

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