
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Compassionate, Forgiving

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Readings: Psalms 76-78

‭Psalm 78:38 – “But God, being compassionate, kept forgiving their sins.”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

Today’s three Psalms begin with praise, turn to lament, and close with a remembrance of God’s redeeming actions throughout Israel’s history. Psalm 76 recognizes God’s presence in Israel and God’s power over “the shield, the sword.” The psalmist praises God’s justice and care for the poor – another side of God’s compassion. In response, the invitation is given to keep their promises and to bring gifts to God.

The mood shifts in Psalm 77. The psalmist cries out to God day and night. They wonder if God has “rejected me forever.” In verse 11 the mood reverses. The author recalls God’s deeds and power. These are revealed both in the redemption of God’s people with “a mighty arm” and in the power of the thunderstorm. The Psalm closes by remembering Moses and Aaron’s leadership in the wilderness.

This line transitions us into Psalm 78, a teaching on God’s activity with Israel. Asaph begins by declaring the charge to tell future generations these stories. He then summarizes Israel’s history. He is honest, sharing again and again how “they didn’t keep the covenant.” He also recounts how God split the sea, provided manna and quail, gave them the Promised Land. “How often they rebelled” is followed by a review of the ten plagues that led to their freedom from Egypt. And again we read, “They tested and defied…” Shrines and idols replaced God. The Israelites were then delivered into the enemy’s hands. But they weren’t rejected forever. God chose David to lead them back and used Solomon to build the temple – God’s presence amongst the people of God.

We too can be a stubborn and sinful people. We can stray from God, turning to the idols of our time. Yet God’s unconditional love remains: “But God, being compassionate, kept forgiving their sins.” Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, I am so grateful for your love and mercy. Like the Israelites we try to walk obediently. Yet we fail at times. We separate ourselves from you and eventually cry out, seeking you once again. In your covenant faithfulness you draw us back into relationship. Again and again. Thank you, God. Amen.

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