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Readings: Psalms 90-95

‭Psalm 91:2 – “I say to the LORD, ‘You are my refuge, my stronghold! You are my God — the one I trust!'”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

Today we begin Book 4! We begin with a Psalm attributed to Moses. The Psalm considers the fleeting nature of life. God sweeps humans away “like a dream.” We finish up our years “with a whimper.” So the author invites us to “number our days.” Doing so we learn to live with a “wise heart.” Doing so, life has meaning and purpose.

Psalm 91 petitions God for divine protection. It feels like a counter to Psalm 90. In verse 2 we read, “I say to the LORD, ‘You are my refuge, my stronghold! You are my God — the one I trust!'” The Psalm speaks of God’s protection and saving in times of sickness and trial. It proclaims that if even 1,000 fall dead, we will be ok. This is because God will “order his messengers to help you… to protect you.” While we can feel the psalmist’s trust, we must remember that this is a possibility and not necessarily a promise. The faithful are not immune from the happenings of life.

Psalms 92 and 93 compliment each other. Psalm 92 is a song of thanksgiving for victory. The wicked are like grass – they perish quickly. The righteous are like trees. They will bear fruit in old age. Psalm 93 recognizes God as the one who won’t be shaken, as the one mightier than the flood. Holiness “decorates” God’s house.

Psalm 94 is addressed to the “avenging God.” The arrogant brag and afflict widows, immigrants, and orphans. The God who hears and sees will repay the evil. This God helps the righteous, steadying slipping feet and comforting the anxious. This God is our fortress and our rock of refuge.

This leads us to Psalm 95, a call to worship God. It begins, “Let’s raise a joyful shout.” The “people of his pasture” are called to worship, to bow down, to kneel before the Lord.  A warning against hardening one’s heart closes the Psalm. It is good to offer our praise and thanksgiving to God. It counters our prideful nature and our tendency to turn inward.

Prayer: Lord God, at times we pray as the psalmists pray: steady us, comfort us, forgive us, protect us. At other times we too rejoice in your goodness and love. We celebrate your faithfulness and your justice. Today may our lives sing of your glory, power, and might. Amen.

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