
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Seek Wisdom Like Silver

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Readings: Proverbs 1 and 2

‭Proverbs 2:10-11 – “Wisdom will enter your mind, and knowledge will fill you with delight. Discretion will guard you; understanding will protect you.”

As we delve into Proverbs we begin with the “why.” The purpose of Proverbs is to teach us wisdom and discipline. The advice contained herein can make the naive mature, the young knowledgeable. Ultimately wisdom leads to the fear of the Lord. This isn’t a fear of spiders or heights. It is a holy reverence for God, a deep respect and awareness of God’s might.

Lady wisdom begins speaking in 1:20. She is a personification of God’s wisdom, an old-school version of the Holy Spirit perhaps. Lady wisdom calls out to the naive, to the mockers, to the fools. But they reject and ignore her. They will not receive her spirit. So she’ll laugh at them when disaster and distress and oppression come. Tis, after all, “the fruit of their way.” But those who do listen and who do obey, they “will dwell securely.”

In chapter 2 Solomon speaks to his son. This could be to an actual son, it might just be to all “sons.” Solomon’s wisdom along with lady wisdom’s – these are to be sought like silver. This is because if one lives with integrity, God will bless you with “ability.” If one is blameless, God will be your shield. In verses 10-11 we read, “Wisdom will enter your mind, and knowledge will fill you with delight. Discretion will guard you; understanding will protect you.” Wisdom will rescue one from evil. It will rescue one from the “mysterious woman” too – the woman who has forgotten her covenants with God and with her husband. Her path leads to death. Those who walk with integrity, they will “dwell in the land.”

Prayer: Lord God, pour out your wisdom upon us. Open our hearts and minds as we delve into your word. Guide us to store away those nuggets that will lead us to walk your path. Guard us from evil. Keep the tempter far away. Amen!

One thought on “Seek Wisdom Like Silver

  1. Pingback: Wisdom from Proverbs | Christianity 201

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