
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Right Living

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Readings: Proverbs 12 and 13

‭Proverbs 13:13 – “Trouble will come on those who despise a word, but those who respect the commandment will be rewarded.”

One theme that we see in today’s readings is the value of being willing to listen to God. Fools tend to think that their way is the right way but the wise are willing and open to advice. A wise son (or daughter) listens while mockers do not. Parents who love their children discipline them. Those who withhold discipline “hate their children.” When we choose to listen to and to follow God’s will and ways, we grow in both wisdom and in our faith.

We also grow in God’s favor. This is a second theme that we see today. God favors the good but condemns the wicked. The way of the righteous leads to life. The detestable path of the wicked leads to death. As the righteous walk this good path, they rejoice in the light. The lamp of the wicked will go out, leaving them in darkness. May our light shine for all to see.

This theme of right living is also revealed in how we impact or affect others. The plans of the righteous are just and their words are full of truth. This gives good guidance to their neighbors. The wicked deceive, leaving neighbors to wander. There’s a personal application too. Righteousness guards our words and our lives. Wickedness only misleads. Actions matter too. The prudent act intelligently but fools display stupidity. Walk with the wise and become wiser. Befriend fools and invite trouble.

We also find some practical advice in today’s readings. If one works the land, they will have plenty to eat. Empty pursuits yield nothing good. The lazy have strong desires but get nothing. The diligent are satisfied. Not wealthy, but satisfied, content, blessed. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, in all we do and say and think, may we honor you and bring you the glory. In all that we seek, work, and strive for, may we consider first your will and your way. In our interactions and encounters, may our lives be a witness to your design and purposes for our lives and for our world. Amen.

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