
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Pure and Upright

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Reading: Proverbs 19 and 20

‭Proverbs 19:20 – “Listen to advice and accept instruction, so you might grow wise in the future.”

To choose to ignore wisdom is to choose to be a fool. Folly first of all corrupts the heart against God. That can lead a foolish son to be a “disaster to his father” and a “contentious wife” to feel like a “constant dripping.” Fools jump right into fights and they mock justice. Fools and liars will not escape. They will perish. Therefore the sage says, “Listen to advice and accept instruction, so you might grow wise in the future.” Here one finds true life, contentment, and peace.

We seek and we enjoy these gifts. That is some of the reason that we plan. This is good to do but we are also reminded “the Lord’s purpose will succeed.” This is why we must never stop listening to wisdom and why we must never refuse discipline. When we do stop, we wander. The walk of faith is long and slow and steady. Advice for our walk comes from “the deep waters of the heart.” It requires long, slow, and steady care. With understanding we can draw from these waters, gaining wisdom and finding true life.

Listening closely and drawing deeply from wisdom allows us to apply it to our lives and to our living. Doing so we learn to restrain our anger and to walk away from senseless fights and to ignore an offense. We come to value wise speech as “the most precious jewel.” We grow to be gracious to the poor. We wait upon the Lord’s salvation. We learn to walk with integrity and honor. We, like our children, are known by our words and by our conduct. May we be pure and Upright, bringing glory and splendor to God.

Prayer: Lord God, today we see that all of who and what we are really matters. Guide us to walk as you call us to walk, clinging to wisdom and understanding and discipline, walking in your way. Keep our ears and hearts open to your guidance and your correction. Use our deeds and words to make your will and way known. Amen.

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