
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Righteousness, Honesty

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Reading: Proverbs 24

‭Proverbs 24:3 – “By wisdom a house is built; by understanding it is established.”

Today the sages speak of not engaging the wicked, of not envying those who do evil. Their hearts are “focused on violence” and their lips “speak trouble.” The sages tell us not to get mad or to seek revenge against such as these. The wisdom writers note that the lazy person’s field is full of thorns and weeds. This just leads to poverty. By contrast, the wise will get their “outside work” done so that they can build a home. Here one finds hope and a future.

To build a good future, to add to our hope, we are encouraged to eat wisdom like people eat honey. Honey was a somewhat rare delicacy. Treat wisdom this way, says the sage. To eat wisdom is to secure a future with hope. Along these lines we’re reminded to fear the Lord (and the king.) Therefore, don’t associate with the rebellious. And rescue those headed for death.

We again hear the call today to honesty and to righteousness. Yes, the righteous will fall. But they’ll get up again and again. “Seven” is symbolic for ‘many times.’ The wicked, however, will fall into trouble. We’re warned against rejoicing over this. To do so would displease God. We’re also reminded today that our words should always be honest, showing no partiality, offering no false witness. Speaking in these ways could be hard. Yet just as the Holy Spirit at times speaks hard but true words into our hearts so too must we do this for others. Done in love, it is a gift.

Prayer: Lord God, lead us today to walk the path of righteousness and to speak the words of truth. Guard us from being wicked or evil or lazy. Lead us to joyfully engage the work that you have for us. Amen.

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