
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Honest, Generous, Righteous

Reading: Matthew 20:1-16

Verse 4: “You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.”

Returning to the parable today we first recognize that the scenario played out in the market was very familiar to Jesus’ audience. Men hanging around hoping to be hired for seasonal work was the norm. Having people to fill this role was a necessity in their agrarian culture, much as it is today in that sector of our economy.

For those hired earliest, they agree with the owner on the usual daily wage. One denarius was the coin used to pay a Roman soldier and it was enough to feed a family of four for a few days. These day laborers would hope to work 2-3 days a week to provide for their families.

The owner offers a different deal to the rest of the workers. They accept his offer to pay them “whatever is right.” Although it turns out well for these workers, there is some trust required in this open-ended offer. Right is objective. One denarius is not. These workers choose to entrust their lives to the character or reputation of the vineyard owner. He is honest and generous and righteous. This sounds like someone that I’d like to work for. How about you?

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for being kind and generous and righteous with us. You do not demand a strict adherence to an agreed-upon set of rules. As it was impossible to keep the list in Jesus’ day, so too is it in our time. So thank you for your grace and mercy too. Amen.