
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Faithfully (?) Forward

Readings: Numbers 19, Numbers 20, Numbers 21

Numbers 21:34 – “Don’t be afraid of him, for I have handed over all his people and his land.”

Photo credit: Felipe Correia

As we continue into Numbers 19-21 we begin to see the people learning some of the rules of the road. There are still times when the step forward is followed by a step back. Yet they are finally beginning to move forward and to better understand what God requires and expects of them as a holy nation.

Chapter 19 contains more instructions. It begins with instructions on how to make the waters of purification. A flawless, unworked red bull is slaughtered… Its ashes are mixed with water, creating a holy water that can be used to purify uncleanliness. Next comes an application of said water. This water will be used to purify people and things that come into contact with a dead body, making them unclean for 7 days. On days 3 and 7 all that is unclean is sprinkled by the water. On day 7 unclean people bathe and wash their clothing, allowing them to return to community life.

At the start of chapter 20 Miriam dies and is buried. There is no water there. Complaints arise. God tells Moses and Aaron to gather the people and to tell the rock to provide water. God’s glory will be revealed. Instead, Moses strikes the rock, in essence claiming that he and Aaron brought forth water. God then declares that Moses will not enter the Promised Land because of his disobedience. Moving on the Israelites ask for safe passage through Edom. The king refuses and comes out in force to prevent their passing through. They begin the long trek around Edom. Aaron dies along the way on Mount Hor. Leadership as high priest is passed on to his son Eleazar. Israel mourns 30 days for Aaron.

In chapter 21 the Israelites are attacked and they seek God’s help. God gives them the victory! And they follow this up with more complaints about another lack of water. God responds by sending poisonous snakes into the camp. This serves as a wakeup call. The people repent, Moses prays, God saves. After marching for a bit, the Israelites offered up songs of praise and thanksgiving. This is followed up by a crushing defeat of the king of Sihon. As the next battle draws near, God says, “Don’t be afraid of him, for I have handed over all his people and his land.” Victory over Og follows. Israel now possesses all of the lands east of the Jordan – the natural barrier into the Promised Land. The journey is nearing its close.

Prayer: Lord God, while all is not perfect and is, in many ways still far from it, we are beginning to see signs of faith and trust poking out here and there. Israel is yet a work in progress here. So too are we, O God. Guide and lead our journeys of faith too. Build up our faith and trust in you as we learn to live faithfully and obediently. Amen.