
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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He Is the Lord

Readings: 1st Samuel 1, 1st Samuel 2, 1st Samuel 3

1st Samuel 3:18 – “He is the LORD. He will do as he pleases.”

Photo credit: Nathan Lemon

As we turn to 1st Samuel we see that much of the feeling of Judges carries over. Israel is still a place of suffering, pain, and sin. God feels silent. Our reading opens with the birth story of Samuel. Elkanah has two wives. Hannah is barren and Peninnah, the secondary wife, has many children. There is great tension. On one of the yearly pilgrimages, Hannah pours out her heart to God. She is so distraught, Eli the priest assumes she is drunk. But after hearing her heart, Eli blesses her. God does too. After he is weaned, Hannah brings an offering and gives Samuel to the Lord. They worship and Hannah lifts a song to God.

We then learn that Eli’s son’s are “despicable.” They steal from the Lord’s sacrifices (by force if necessary) and they have sex with the women serving at the meeting tent’s entrance. Eli confronts them but they don’t change. God has a change already in the works. Samuel continues to grow up, becoming “more and more liked by God and by the people.” Then a “man of God” visits Eli, telling him of the utter downfall of his house. His sons will die and God will establish a “trustworthy priest.” Eli seems to simply accept this.

In chapter 3 we read about Samuel’s call. God’s word and visions were rare at that time. God was mostly silent. While lying down in the temple, God calls out to Samuel. He thinks it is Eli calling. After the third time, Eli realizes that it is God calling Samuel. He responds as instructed: “Speak Lord. Your servant is listening.” God reveals the downfall of Eli’s house. Samuel does not want to share this news, but does, showing his metal as a prophet. Eli knows what is happening. His response to this news: “He is the LORD. He will do as he pleases.” Eli knows his own failures. He knows the depravity of his sons. And he knows the truth that the chapter closes with: “All Israel… knew that Samuel was trustworthy.”

Prayer: Lord God, we continue today with the good and the bad: Hannah and Peninnah, Samuel and Eli’s sons. Your presence is revealed in the good. There we find faithfulness and obedience to you. Guide us to walk in your ways too. There we will experience your presence and your goodness. Amen.