
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Influences – Good and Bad

Reading: Proverbs 23

‭Proverbs 23:19 – “Listen, my child, and be wise! Keep your mind straight on the path.”

Today’s words of wisdom focus mostly on controlling our appetites and on who not to hang out with. These two focuses remain important in our lives today. The first warning today is against longing for the things of this world. In today’s text it is longing for the riches of the king’s table. In our lives it is the longing for a bigger house, a newer phone or car, a fancy vacation, a promotion with a fat raise… We must guard our hearts against these longings. On the other end of the spectrum, the sage says, don’t eat with stingy people. They only share what they’re unwilling to eat themselves.

We’re also warned about hanging out with sinners, gluttons, and drunkards. The primary concern is that they’ll influence us to become like them. We will end up “clothed in rags,” seeing “strange things,” and speaking “distorted words.” We’ll awaken one day and wonder how we got there. Instead, the wisdom writer says, “Buy truth… buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.” Then one’s father and mother will rejoice.

The sages remind us, too, that we have a hand to play in being able to one day rejoice. We should not withhold either instruction or discipline from our children. I believe this applies to our children as well as to our friends. As we’ll soon read in Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens a friend.”

Prayer: Lord God, help us to make wise choices. Guide us to choose our friends well. Guard us from temptations and keep our feet from paths that lead to sin and folly. Instead of being influenced by the things of this world, Lord, pour your wisdom and understanding into our hearts. Influence us towards you. May our words, thoughts, and deeds bring you joy today. Amen.