
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Set for a Transition

Readings: 1st Samuel 29, 1st Samuel 30, 1st Samuel 31

1st Samuel 30:26 – “He sent some of the plunder to the elders of Judah and to his friends. ‘Here is a gift for you from the plunder of the LORD’s enemies.'”

Once again it is time for battle between the Philistines and the Israelites. David has been living in the Philistine territory for over a year so he and his soldiers march out with Achish and the rest of the Philistine army. But the commanders don’t trust David – he could turn on them in battle. He and his soldiers are sent back to Ziklag. In the meantime, though, the Amalekites have raided Ziklag and have hauled off everyone. David’s soldiers are very upset, almost ready to stone David. But he consults with God and is directed to pursue the raiding party.

David and the troops have been marching for 3 days already. 200 of the soldiers are too exhausted to continue the pursuit. David and 400 press on. They find a slave who was abandoned and he leads them to the Amalekite raiders. David attacks and recovers everyone plus some sheep, cattle, and other plunder. Some of the “evil and despicable individuals” don’t want to share with the 200 but David intervenes, making it a regulation to share with those who guarded the supplies. David also sends some of the plunder to Judah, saying, “Here is a gift for you from the plunder of the LORD’s enemies.”

Elsewhere, the Philistines and Israelites engage in battle. Many Israelites fall and the rest flee. Saul and sons are overtaken. Saul’s three sons die and he is wounded. He falls on his sword and dies, avoiding torture and death at the “hands of these uncircumcised men.” Some brave men recover the bodies of Saul and his sons. They are cremated and buried in Jabesh. Israel mourns for seven days.

The reign of Saul comes to a close and the stage is set for a transition to a new king. This will not be an easy transition.

Prayer: Lord God, there is violence and war and mistrust and death. There is loyalty and faith and trust and hope. Guide us to cling to you in both the good and the bad of our lives, just as David did. Turn us ever to you for guidance and strength. May we find these too. Amen.