
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Effort Matters

Reading: Ecclesiastes 9-12

‭Ecclesiastes 10:10 – “If an ax is dull and one doesn’t sharpen it first, then one must exert more force.”

Photo credit: Falaq Lazuardi

As we conclude Ecclesiastes today we begin with the remainder that the deeds of the righteous and wise are in God’s hands. Even so, death awaits us all. Chapter 12 alludes to our general decline as we age. The sun and light grow dark, people become afraid, and then “the human goes to the eternal abode.” The Teacher recognizes that there is a finality to this life.

But during our lives, the advice is to eat joyfully, to drink happily, to have oil for our heads, and to enjoy our “dearly loved spouse.” Even though all of our days are pointless, it is our part to play. So whenever we can, we should do these things with “all your might.”

The Teacher also recognizes that much is out of our control. The swift don’t always win the race. “Accidents can happen to anyone,” says the sage. When tragedy suddenly befalls us, we are like “fish caught in a net.”

Even so, we are encouraged to take pleasure in all of our years. Yes, there will be dark days. Yes, one day we’ll be called into account by God. And, yes, our deeds matter. The lazy – the cloud and wind watchers – won’t sow or harvest. Effort matters. In 10:10 we read, “If an ax is dull and one doesn’t sharpen it first, then one must exert more force.” Seek wisdom and knowledge and skill. Life will be better. Maybe, says the Teacher.

Ecclesiastes closes with a reminder to worship God and to obey the commands. It is what everyone must do, because, remember, judgment is coming. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, in the grand scope of life, lead us day by day to enjoy life and all it has to offer. Put joy into the work of our hands and obedience into our hearts of faith. Amen.