
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The Lord Will Fight

Readings: 2nd Chronicles 29, 2nd Chronicles 30, 2nd Chronicles 31, 2nd Chronicles 32

2nd Chronicles 32:8 – “All he has is human strength, but we have the LORD our God, who will help us fight our battles!”

Hezekiah is the focus of today’s readings. In the first month of his rule he reopens the temple and sets the priests to making it holy once again. After eight days the temple is purified. Early the next morning sacrifices are offered for all Israel, songs are sung, the Lord is praised. Hezekiah invites the people to bring thank offerings to God. The response is so great that the Levites have to step in and help.

Next Hezekiah reestablishes the celebration of the Passover. He sends word throughout all of Judah – and Israel. Some from up north laugh and make fun of the invitation, but some come from Israel. A huge crowd gathers and celebrates the Passover. So wonderful and joyous is the celebration, they decide to worship God for seven more days. Fueled by this celebration the people go out and cleanse Judah of all idol worship. The pillars, poles, shrines, and altars are all destroyed.

Hezekiah then calls for the resumption of the tithe to support the daily needs of the priests. The people bring their best in great abundance. Judah is at its high point in its relationship with God – the best since the days of Solomon. It is then that King Sennacherib of Assyria comes. Hezekiah trusts fully in God. He encourages the troops to be brave and strong. He says, “All he has is human strength, but we have the LORD our God, who will help us fight our battles!” Hezekiah trusts that the Lord will fight the battle. That very night God’s messenger comes and kills 185,000 Assyrian soldiers (2nd Kings 19.) Sennacherib goes home in disgrace.

A deadly illness then sets in on Hezekiah but he cries out to God and is healed. But in that moment he is too proud to properly thank God. He and Israel begin to feel God’s anger. They repent and God’s blessings return. Hezekiah dies and is buried in the “upper area” of the tombs with David’s sons. Gold star!

Prayer: Lord God, what a great reminder of the value of a long, steady, obedient faith. In the big and the small, your will and your ways were the focus. Trust in you was sure. Help us to live out this kind of faith. Amen.

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Good, Bad, Bad…

Readings: 2nd Kings 18, 2nd Kings 19, 2nd Kings 20, 2nd Kings 21

2nd Kings 19:16 – “LORD, turn your ear this way and hear!…  Listen to Sennacherib’s words. He sent them to insult the living God!”

After the evil king Ahaz, Hezekiah is a bright light. He removes all idol worship and follows God’s ways. The Assyrian king Sennacherib invades, conquering outlying towns in Judah. Hezekiah buys some time by paying a huge tribute. Soon, though, representatives of Sennacherib are back, threatening Judah, insulting God. Hezekiah goes to the Lord, seeking rescue. He prays, “LORD, turn your ear this way and hear!…  Listen to Sennacherib’s words. He sent them to insult the living God!” God’s response comes through Isaiah – don’t fear. God’s got this. During the night 185,000 Assyrian soldiers are struck down by God’s messenger. Sennacherib goes back to Assyria.

Hezekiah then falls deathly ill. Isaiah confirms that he will die. Hezekiah prays and cries out to the Lord. God has mercy. The king will live. As a sign from God, a shadow moves backwards. The Babylonian king sent a get-well message. Hezekiah shows the Babylonian officials everything. Isaiah tells Hezekiah that the day is nearly there when Babylon comes to conquer Judah. Hezekiah is relieved that it won’t be during his lifetime.

Manasseh is the next king of Judah. His reign is 55 years of extreme evil. He restores all idol worship, rebuilding what his father tore down. He sacrifices his son and he builds idol altars in the temple. He sheds much innocent blood. God promises to bring disaster on Judah. Judah will be wiped clean as a plate is wiped clean.

His son Amnon rules for two years. He took is evil. Amnon is assassinated by his own officials, who are assassinated by the people. As bad as things are, there is a good king just around the corner.

Prayer: Lord God, the roller coaster ride continues. When your people walk faithfully your presence leads and guides and protects. When they turn their back on you, violence and evil grows. Lord, help us to recognize the outcomes apply to us as well. Fill us with your Holy Spirit’s power, encouraging us to walk in your ways. Amen.