
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Reading: Genesis 22:6-14

Verse 14: “So Abraham called that place ‘The Lord will provide.'”

In our Genesis 22 reading God provides the ram as the sacrifice. Isaac is lifted off the altar and he is replaced by this ram. It dies in his place, much as Jesus died in our place to pay the price for our sins. The ram does so that the child can live. In an act of gratitude and worship, Abraham names the place “Jehovah Jireh” – the Lord will provide.

God continues to provide for our needs. Sometimes it is by giving us the words to speak, sometimes it is by guiding us to the correct action to take. And sometimes words fail and God is directing us to simply provide presence. God provides in many other ways. A door can be opened, another closed. A meal or help in some other form can show up unexpected and meet a need.

We too can be used by God as the means of provision. Many years ago, for example, a family in our church was struggling financially. A group got together and left $1,000 in a blank envelope in their mailbox. Our financial blessings are often a way that we can be part of God providing a blessing for others. It can also be something as simple as a card or phone call – hearing “it came exactly when I needed it most” assures us of God’s hand guiding and providing.

The keys to both receiving from God and being used by God to provide for others begins with an open ear, followed closely by a willing heart. May we all be receptive to God’s working in and through us as God loves and provides for our needs.

Prayer: Lord God, use me today to accomplish your will. Use my words or my hands and feet, use my presence, O God, as you seek to love and care for our world and for all of your children. And when your will turns to me, may I humbly receive all that you have for me. Amen.

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Reading: Genesis 22:6-14

Verse 14: “So Abraham called that place ‘The Lord will provide.'”

In our Genesis 22 reading God provides the ram as the sacrifice. Isaac is lifted off the altar and he is replaced by this ram. It dies in his place, much as Jesus died in our place to pay the price for our sins. The ram does so that the child can live. In an act of gratitude and worship, Abraham names the place “Jehovah Jireh” – the Lord will provide.

God continues to provide for our needs. Sometimes it is by giving us the words to speak, sometimes it is by guiding us to the correct action to take. And sometimes words fail and God is directing us to simply provide presence. God provides in many other ways. A door can be opened, another closed. A meal or help in some other form can show up unexpected and meet a need.

We too can be used by God as the means of provision. Many years ago, for example, a family in our church was struggling financially. A group got together and left $1,000 in a blank envelope in their mailbox. Our financial blessings are often a way that we can be part of God providing a blessing for others. It can also be something as simple as a card or phone call – hearing “it came exactly when I needed it most” assures us of God’s hand guiding and providing.

The keys to both receiving from God and being used by God to provide for others begins with an open ear, followed closely by a willing heart. May we all be receptive to God’s working in and through us as God loves and provides for our needs.

Prayer: Lord God, use me today to accomplish your will. Use my words or my hands and feet, use my presence, O God, as you seek to love and care for our world and for all of your children. And when your will turns to me, may I humbly receive all that you have for me. Amen.