
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The Fruit of a Long Walk

‭Psalm 69:13 – “God, in your great and faithful love, answer me with your certain salvation!”

We begin today with Psalm 69, a prayer for the persecuted. The psalmist has been hard-pressed for a long time. His or her enemies are “countless.” The psalmist’s passion for God has created this conflict with these enemies. This same faith leads to this prayer: “God, in your great and faithful love, answer me with your certain salvation!” In our times of need of rescue, this is a great prayer to pray. The psalmist also prays for the enemies downfall. This was not uncommon then, and if we’re honest, isn’t uncommon now. In the Old Testament, though, God was often violent against Israel’s enemies. To pray for that was very much in line with their understanding and experience with God.

Psalm 70 is also a prayer for deliverance – for immediate deliverance! Hurry, hurry, hurry God! Shame and humiliate my oppressors. Hurry God – I’m poor and needy. Help, deliver me. Psalm 71 continues the cry for deliverance. The perspective has shifted. The psalmist is now old. Time has brought a more steady trust in God. Depending on God “from birth” leads to hope and to the psalmist proclaiming God’s righteous acts. Life has brought the psalmist “many troubles and calamities,” yes, but because of their long relationship with God, the author can confidently state that God “will revive me once more.” This too is the fruit of our long walk with God.

Psalm 72 is a fitting close to the Psalms of David. It even ends with “The prayers of David, Jesse’s son, are ended.” This Psalm seeks God’s blessings on the king and on the poor and needy. This Psalm is a beautiful expression of the fact that God’s love, God’s care, God’s protection, God’s provision, God’s everything, reaches from the highest to the very lowest. May our love, care, protection, provision… do the same.

Prayer: Lord God, great is your love and faithfulness! Your love knows no limits and your faithfulness endures forever. You care for all of creation and you call us to do the same. As we receive your love, care, protection, provision… may we generously and abundantly offer these to one another – all one anothers. Doing so, we will build your kingdom here on earth. Amen.