
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Again and Again

Readings: Joshua 3:7-31, Joshua 4, Joshua 5

Joshua 3:15 – “Then the Israelites cried out to the LORD. So the LORD raised up a deliverer for them.”

Photo credit: Sophie Walker

Today’s readings establish the cycle that we find in Judges: Israel sins, God’s anger leads to foreign oppression, Israel cries out, God raises up a judge, Israel wins the battle, peace returns. As today’s reading begins the people worship other gods. Eight years of oppression comes. The people cry out and God raises up Othniel. God is with him and he leads Israel to victory. There is then 40 years of peace – until Othniel dies.

Sin and then oppression return. After 18 years Israel cries out. God sends Ehud. He assassinates Moab’s king and then leads Israel to victory. There is peace for 80 years. During this time Shamgar rescues Israel from the Philistines. Ehud dies and sin returns. Oppression lasts 20 years. Sisera and his 900 iron chariots cruelly oppress Israel. They cry out and God raises up Deborah, one of only four female prophets in all of the Old Testament. She sends word to Barak, who has apparently heard God’s call but won’t act. He agrees to lead the army – if Deborah comes along. She agreed but foretells the honor of victory going to a woman.

Barak leads 10,000 soldiers drawn from Zebulun and Naphtali, the main areas of oppression. God gives them the victory. Sisera flees on foot and finds refuge in Jael’s tent. He falls asleep, exhausted, and Jael kills Sisera, driving a tent stake through his head. The enemy commander dead, Israel wins a complete victory.

In chapter 5 we read “Deborah’s Song.” It is really a duet with Barak. The song recalls the troubles and the victories. The tribes that did not help are questioned – where were you? God is credited for the victory – along with Jael. Sisera’s mother longs for his return. There will be peace for another 40 years.

As I consider the cycle that we see today and will see again and again, I acknowledge that this is a cycle I am familiar with personally. I am grateful for the grace that Israel also experienced over and over.

Prayer: Lord God, at first I think, how can Israel go there again and again? And then I realize I do too. That pride, that desire for control, just to name a couple O God, they keep coming round. God, by the power of your Holy Spirit, guide me past these sins that entrap me over and over. God, I need you in this battle. Amen.