
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Belief and Reality

Readings: Job 15 through Job 21

‭Job 16:6 – “If I speak, my pain is not eased; if I hold back, what have I lost?”

As we read cycle 2 of the discourse between Job and his friends, our initial reaction might be to condemn Job’s friends, to think them cruel and downright unfriendly. We must remember, however, that they are defending who and what they truly believe God to be and they are defending the ancients understanding of how and why the world works according to long held beliefs. To them, Job’s arguments rail against God and question how the justice of God really works.

Much of the friend’s conversation in today’s readings focuses on the wicked and what their lives look like. (These thoughts will apply to Job’s life in cycle 3.) Eliphaz argues that “all the days of the wicked are painful.” Bildad adds that the wicked are “snatched from the safety of their tents” and that “nothing they own remains.” Zophar notes that “the rejoicing of the wicked is short.” He adds “the fire that no one stoked consumes them.” All three friends argue from the belief that God swiftly punishes the wicked and sinful. God is just and cannot tolerate the ways of the wicked.

Job’s response to Eliphaz addresses how his “friends” are treating him. Job calls them “sorry comforters.” Job asks, “If I speak, my pain is not eased; if I hold back, what have I lost?” In his suffering he might as well cry out to God. Nothing to lose! In his response to Bildad, Job returns to his innocence. He points to how suffering has afflicted the righteous. God’s punishment is apparently not just for the wicked. And in his last speech for today, he counters his friends’ arguments. Job points to the reality of the actual world: “the wicked grow old,” “they spend their days contentedly,” and “on the day of disaster the wicked are spared.” Job states that the world is not as his friends would make it out to be. For Job, that simple understanding of God and the world does not match reality.

Prayer: Lord God, what a wrestling today with who and what you are and with who and what we are to be to one another. We are called to trust in your love and care and guidance. And we are called to be these things to others. We are called to walk in a right relationship with you. And we are called to help others back into that path when they stray. Lord, guide us as we walk this difficult journey with you and with one another. May we ever lead in love and grace. Amen.