
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Act Differently

Reading: Proverbs 25 and 26

‭Proverbs 26:21 – “Like adding charcoal to embers or wood to fire, quarrelsome people kindle strife.”

Removing the dross from the silver is like removing the evil from the royal court – a beautiful vessel is the result. Removing arrogance and pride not only avoids some embarrassment, it could lead to honor and recognition. Removing fuel from the fire and gossip from conversations both cool the situation. Removing the selfish and evil from our lives yields good outcomes.

Much is said about a lying tongue. False testimony is like a club or sword to the victim. A lying tongue crushes and brings destruction to those affected. The sage compares smooth lips and an evil heart to silver coating on clay – both can look or sound good from a distance but it is oh so fragile underneath.

Fools are slow to learn. They repeat their mistakes often so they are like “a dog jwho returns to their vomit.” Neither makes much sense but both happen. Those without self-control are like a breached city – no walls or filters. So just as a whip is used to control a horse so too must a rod be used on a fool’s back.

The wise act differently. Their words calm strife and build up. These words are like “golden apples in a silver setting.” Instead of making fun of or ignoring their enemies when they’re hungry or thirsty, a wise person gives them food and drink. The wise understand that compassion is much more powerful than hate or anger. So too may our words and actions bring healing and wholeness, peace and hope.

Prayer: Lord God, while it seems so, so clear that wisdom and humility are the much better choices, we can be selfish, we can speak hurtful words, we can gossip and tear down, we can play the fool. So, Lord, help us. Send the Holy Spirit to whisper in our ear when we venture down the wrong path. May the Spirit shout if need be. May the nudge become a shove too if we’re not quite seeing how we’ve gone down the wrong path. Help us, Lord, to be love and healing to our broken world. Amen.