
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Peace Be with You

Reading: John 20:19-23

Verse 19: “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!'”

Even though Mary Magdalene has shared the good news of the resurrection and even though Peter and John have seen the empty tomb and even though Mary has seen the risen Christ, the disciples hide behind locked doors “for fear of the Jews.” They have not seen for themselves, so their fears and doubts still guide their thoughts and actions.

Jesus suddenly appears among the disciples and says, “Peace be with you!” This was a standard greeting in Jesus’ day. It is beginning with the familiar. Then Jesus shows them his hands and his side – the scars still fresh. The full realization of who this is brings great joy to the disciples, just as it had to Mary in her encounter with the risen Christ. Isn’t it funny how firsthand experience is so much more powerful?

Repeating the familiar, Jesus again offers peace. Then the commission begins: “As the father has sent me, I am sending you.” The ministry is being passed on. For 3 years these disciples gained firsthand experience in what it meant to be sent by God. Jesus has lived it day in and day out. Now it was their turn to do as Jesus had done. To enable the disciples to do this huge task, Jesus said, “Receive the Holy Spirit” as he breathed it onto and into these men. This living, indwelling presence of the risen Christ would allow them to do as Jesus did, forgiving as lives were changed by the power of God. The disciples were to minister as Christ had ministered.

This gift of the Holy Spirit is something that all who surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior receive. The Holy Spirit empowers all believers to minister to others just as Christ did long ago. The Spirit empowers you. May the peace of Christ cover you as you seek to be Jesus’ hands and feet and heart in the world today.

Prayer: Lord God, your power is in us. It goes with us. It leads and guides and shows us the way. It gives us the words to speak. Use us today to minister in your name. Amen.

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Called to…?

In today’s section of Jeremiah, God is promising the Israelites a return to normal.  It has been so long that captivity and exile have become almost normal for them.  But their faith in God has kept them connected to and in touch with what is their normal homeland.  Thus they long to return and to once again live in safety under God’s protection.  It is a great place to live.

For most of us, this is were we exist.  We live a relatively comfortable and secure life.  There is food in the fridge and gas in the car.  The house is warm and is secure.  Employment will be at the same place tomorrow and my family will be around me in the evening.  This indeed is wonderful ‘normal’ and a great place to live.

But for some this is not the case.  In our call to care for the poor and needy, this situation disturbs my peace.  Even though it got down to the low single digits last night, some people slept outside.  Many of the people without the basics we take for granted will abuse drugs and/or alcohol as a means to cope with the despair, hopelessness, and other feelings generated by their situations.  The substance abuse often leads to an increase in the acts of violence on the streets and to the higher levels of fear that permeate the homeless community.  I do not think I would last long in this world, but it is ‘normal’ for far too many people.

So what is God calling me to do?  Is it to donate warm clothing to the local shelter?  Is it to volunteer time at the nearby day center?  Is it to teach a class that empowers one who is struggling to make positive changes in their life?  It may be one or more of these or something entirely different.  Lord, help me to discern where and how You are sending me to be in ministry to those in need.

Scripture reference: Jeremiah 31: 10-14