
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!


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Reading: Matthew 13:24-30 and 36-43

Verse 43: “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”

This week’s parable speaks of something we know all too well: evil is all around us. It is there in the world in general and it is right there close to us. When close by the evil can sap our spirits and when closer still it can adversely affect our walk of faith.

In the parable, those who follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are the wheat. Followers of Christ live as goodness and love in the world, seeking to ‘shine’ Christ within our hearts out to the world, producing a harvest of righteousness. On the more personal level, it can be challenging to live faithfully amongst the weeds. Our lives can be impacted by the actions of evil people and we can become discouraged and can even question God’s love in really hard times. We can also allow those weeds to take root in our hearts. Temptation can grow into sin and we can become the cause of hardship or discouragement and questioning for others. Thankfully evil and sin do not have to be permanent choices. We can again find hope in our faith as we delve into the word of God. We can repent and turn from sinful choices.

Jesus provides us with a great reminder of our hope at the end of our passage. There will be a day of judgement. All evil will be rooted out, gathered up, and burned in the fire. Those who are faithful will be a part of the new heaven and earth. Rejoice! “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”

Prayer: Lord God, by the power of your Holy Spirit guard my life and faith from the weeds within and without. In such quick ways I can slip into evil thoughts and at times these lead to hurtful or harmful words or actions. When these evils begin to take root, purge them with the Holy Spirit’s righteous fire. Empower my faith for the battles ahead. Lead me and use me to shine like the sun each day. Amen.

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