
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Even There… Always

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Reading: Psalm 139:1-12

Verse 5: “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.”

Psalm 139 is a beautiful reminder of God’s presence with us in all of life. I find great comfort in verses 1-6. Here we are reminded that God searches us and knows us, that God knows our coming and going, that God knows our thoughts, and that God hems me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.” Yes, this is all indeed wonderful. And it is a little scary or intimidating to be so intimately, personally, and thoroughly known by someone. This depth of knowing is the focus of verses 7-10.

Moving into this set of verses David recognizes God’s omnipotent nature. No matter where he goes, God is there. David touches on the reality of this with honesty as he asks, “Where can I flee from your presence?” We can relate, right? At times we appreciate a little solitude. And it is a high standard to uphold – always being in God’s presence. I’m sure you’ve been around someone and wondered when your time together would ever end. But here’s the thing with God: God is here for our absolute good and to bring joy and hope and light to our lives. And to be there when we need God the most, for “even there your hand will guide me.”

In the closing verses David acknowledges that at times darkness will surround him. Even though he feels “hidden” from God – whether it is because of sin or because of a loss that makes us feel separated from God – even there God is present. Our darkness is just that: ours. Even there God is light and love and grace. And even there God is with us, knows us, searches us, and walks with us. Always, God hems us in. Always, God’s hand is upon us. Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Lord God, on my best days, you are there. On my worst days, you are there. On those many days that fall in between, you are there. Open my heart to your constant presence. Humble me and make me willing to follow your lead and your guidance. I know you love me and have good plans for me. Shape me and form me to your will and ways, O God. Amen.

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