
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Again and Again

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Reading: Psalm 17:1-7 and 15

Verse 6: “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.”

Photo credit: Diego Gennaro

When you go to the Lord God, how do you pray? Do you pray with boldness and confidence? Or do you pray with humility and meekness? Or do your prayers typically fall somewhere in between these parameters?

We often think that prayers have to be a certain way. They don’t. We often think that we should leave the praying aloud stuff to the professionals. We shouldn’t. We often think we need to hold back our emotions. Uh, no. We often think that we are bothering God with our little requests. Never ever.

Looking at Psalm 17 we see one model for our prayers. But Psalm 17 is not the one right way to pray. There are many other Psalms and many other models of prayer that we find littered throughout the Bible. In this Psalm we can find elements that are worthy of noticing and emulating. First, David’s heart is right when he comes to God. There is no deceit or sin. He has been walking faithfully with God. Second, there is a trust in their relationship. They are not strangers. In verse 6 David prays, “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” David is confident and bold. This is built up on their steady relationship and upon David’s experience with God. David goes to God in prayer again and again. God answers again and again.

Again and again… That’s the way to pray. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, your presence never fails. You are always there to hear my prayers. Thank you for your faithful heart. Thank you for desiring such a close and personal relationship with me. Guide me and help me to walk in your way of love, seeking righteousness and holiness and my foundations. Amen.

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