
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Praise the Lord!

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Reading: Psalm 105:1-6 and 16-22

Verse 2: “Sing to God, sing praise to the Lord; tell of all God’s wonderful acts.”

Today’s Psalm encourages us to praise God for all that God has done. The psalmist invites us to sing our thanksgiving to God as we recall the wonders, the miracles, and the judgments. While it is easiest to praise God for the wonders and miracles, it is also good to remember and offer praise for the judgments. In the lives of God’s people and in our lives these hard but necessary moments kept us aligned with or brought us back into living out God’s will and ways.

The Psalm recalls some of the important times when God acted on behalf of the people. These are certainly reasons to praise the Lord. Today, let us also recall our more recent but ancestral experiences that are worthy of praise. Begin with your family and your church(es). When was God faithful? When did God provide a way? How did God intervene on behalf of your church or family? Praise God!

And then take a step closer to home. Think about your own journey of faith to this point. What encounters with God come to mind? When did God draw near to lead or guide or provide? How has God redirected your path or choices? How has God’s presence brought you comfort or peace or grace or redemption? Praise God!

Pause and offer words of thanksgiving – in song or prayer – for all that the Lord has done. Yes, God is good!

Prayer: Lord God, pausing and reflecting I can see how you’ve led and guided in so many ways – both in the story of your people and in the lives of my family and churches. Thank you! And as I stop and look within my journey I can see your fingerprints there too. Again, thank you! Amen.

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