
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Sing a New Song

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Reading: Psalm 149

Verse 1: “Sing to the Lord a new song.”

God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the same then, now, and forever. The scriptures have existed in their present format for almost 2,000 years. When we read today, “Sing to the Lord a new song,” is the psalmist still speaking to us today?

Music has always been a part of the worship of God. Even before the Psalms were written and sung, God’s people were expressing their faith through music and song. The Psalms run the gamut of expression – from the laments to heartfelt prayers to the celebration of God’s presence and activity among the people of God. The tradition of proclaiming our faith has continued throughout the history of the church. Music – be they hymns or gospels or contemporary praise songs – it all teaches theology and offers shared experiences of our encounters with God through sung expression. When each of these works were written and shared, they were a “new song” to the Lord.

These new songs run the gamut of the Psalms. Many address what we Methodists call “social justice” and “social holiness.” Music centered on love and peace, hope and justice calls us and society to a better world, to a holier way of living and of treating one another. Some of the voices come from the edges, adding to this rich mix of music, expressing the pain of being ignored or shunned or marginalized, sharing the hope of truly being a part of the family of God. Through these new songs we can become more aware of and engaged with the needs of our day. These new songs are evidence of God’s Spirit at work. They are invitations to be a part of God’s growing kingdom here on earth. As people of God and as people of love, peace, hope, and justice, may we too sing these songs.

Prayer: Lord God, continue to bring to our ears the cries for justice and equality and fairness. Guide this music and these cries to trickle down to our hearts, moving us to be people who invite all into the circle of your family. Lead us to speak out and even to fight when it is needed to welcome others into the family of God. You created us all. You love us all. Amen.

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