
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

God’s Sanctuary and Dominion

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Reading: Psalm 114

Verse 2: “Judah became God’s sanctuary, Israel his dominion.”

For the psalmist, the exodus from under mighty Egypt’s oppression and the near-impossible rescue at the parting of the sea were two great examples of God in action. God acted on behalf of the beloved of God. You and I are beloved of God. So there are times and situations that you can look back on and say, ‘Yes, right then and there, God acted in my life.’ When has God freed you or saved you or rescued you? Like the psalmist does here, it is important for us too to remember and offer our thanksgiving to God. This is part of being God’s sanctuary and dominion.

In verses 5-6 the psalmist asks a great question. He or she ponders over why the waters part and why the mountains and hills quake. They do so because they are “in the presence of the Lord.” God’s power and might and majesty are over all of creation. They are over you and me. As we recognize God’s sovereign hand in all of creation and in our lives, we too humbly now and honor almighty God. This too is part of being God’s sanctuary and dominion.

In verse 2 we read, “Judah became God’s sanctuary, Israel his dominion.” This speaks of relationship and connection. It speaks of intimacy and commitment. You and I are part of God’s family. God is our sanctuary – both the place where we worship and the place we go to feel safe and protected. God is our dominion – both the one who is steadfast and true and the one to whom we commit our lives and faith. Thank you, God, for being our sanctuary and our dominion.

Prayer: Lord God, you are our all in all. With you we lack nothing that we need. You are ever-present and almighty. You are personal and intimate. May our lives be expressions of our gratitude for our connection with you. Amen.

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