
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Reading: Psalm 99

Verse 6b: “They called on the Lord and he answered them.’

As I read Psalm 99, two parts stand out to me. Parts of the Psalm speak of God’s character and this draws us to worship God. The other parts speak of God’s call upon our lives and of how this draws us into a relationship with God.

The psalmist reminds us that God is supreme over all the earth. He or she also reminds us that God is mighty and that God loves justice. Yet God is also a forgiving God. Yes, at times God has some consequences for our “misdeeds.” Because this is who and what God is, we are drawn to worship and exalt God. This is the entry point into a relationship. As our relationship with God begins we are able to call on our God who hears and answers our prayers.

The psalmist provides a few examples of those who called upon the Lord: Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. Before they could call on God, though, they too had to respond to God’s call on their lives. They had to accept the call and make the choice to enter into a relationship with God. The same God continues to reign over all of creation. As we experience God’s character in many different ways we too are drawn into relationship. As this grows we come to trust that God will answer our prayers and cries. This is because God is a God of relationship.

So today and every day may we humbly come before the almighty and all-powerful God of all creation, the personal and intimate God who wants to be in a relationship with each of us. Coming before God, may we worship and praise the Lord our God.

Prayer: Lord God, in power and might you sit enthroned over the nations. In love and grace you reach out for a relationship. You are holy and righteous. And you want to walk daily with me, a sinner saved by grace. I am overwhelmed by your desire to be in this personal and intimate relationship with me. All I can do is praise and worship you for this great love. Thank you, God. Amen.

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