
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Bold Faith, Deep Trust

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Reading: Matthew 25:19-30

Verse 21: “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!'”

Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao

Today we continue with Jesus’ parable about the gifts and abilities that we are entrusted with. Yesterday’s implication that we should use these gifts and talents to build the kingdom of God becomes a crystal clear expectation today. The master returns home and settles accounts with the three servants. He has entrusted them with something very valuable. Now he wants to see what they’ve done with it.

Two of the servants double what was entrusted to them. Both receive the same praise: “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Whether it was doubled or quadrupled or whatever is not the point here. The point is that they acted, using what they were entrusted with. The third servant hid away what he was given. He receives a very harsh rebuke and consequence for not using the gifts and talents that he had been entrusted with. This third servant’s fear prevents him from taking even the most basic action. Other than fear, what keeps us from acting or from using the gifts and talents that God has entrusted to us?

The two servants who received praise (and more blessings) were willing to use what they were entrusted with. They took a risk. It might have gone south. Whatever they tried could’ve failed. The same is true for us. Whatever gift or talent it is – whether love or grace or salvation, whether a teaching or parenting gift – sometimes when we try and use that to build the kingdom of God, it will require us to risk, to step outside of our comfort zone. And sometimes we’ll even fail. We’ll be rejected or ridiculed or… Offering our gifts and talents in our broken and hurting world takes bold faith and deep trust in God. Keeping these things to ourselves will one day draw a harsh rebuke. May we live out our faith boldly, using the blessings and gifts from God to be a blessing and gift to others. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for preparing me and for equipping me to share my gifts and blessings with others. You call me to be alert and to be ready to use these for the building of your kingdom here on earth. Today you remind me to take the next hard step – to actually use these in the world. Encourage and empower me to act today. I trust these actions to your blessings. Amen.

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