
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Witness to the Light

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Reading: John 1:6-8

Verse 7: “He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him.”

The first half of this week’s gospel lesson focuses on John the Baptist’s ministry. We’ve been walking with John the Baptist these past two weeks. These readings have been primarily about the bigger picture and implications of his ministry. Today’s passage feels more personal and more relatable to our lives and ministry. Proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins out in the Judean wilderness feels like a lot for me and my life. Maybe the same is true for you.

We first read today that John was sent by God. This average person was called to fill a role, to play a part in God’s plan. While from the big picture perspective John’s ministry was amazing and powerful, in verse 7 we read, “He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him.” To witness to the light so that others can come to know Jesus, to believe in him – this sounds and feels like a role that we could all live out.

John the Baptist was not the light. That is Jesus. John wasn’t pointing to himself. He was pointing to Jesus. John always kept the focus on Jesus and on helping others to be ready to receive Jesus. This feels like something that we can do day in and day out. Also being sent by God may you and I witness to the light of the world through the words we speak and through the actions of our hands and feet.

Prayer: Lord God, in this version and in this way, it feels possible to live out our faith in ways that point others to Jesus. Empower us to be witnesses to the light of Christ so that those living outside of a relationship with Jesus may be drawn towards him. Amen.

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