
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Covenant Faithfulness

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Readings: Genesis 15, Genesis 16, Genesis 17

Genesis 17:7-8 – “I will be your God and your descendants’ God after you. I will give you… the whole land of Canaan.”

Today we begin with God’s promise to Abram of a biological heir. To illustrate the abundance of God’s promise, Abram is invited to look to the stars – “this is how many children you will have.” A sacrifice seals the covenant promise. As fire, God passes through the sacrifice, sealing God’s commitment to the covenant. Within this section God also reiterates and ties in the promise of this land for Abram’s descendants.

In chapter 16 we see Abram and Sarai taking matters into their own hands. It has been about 15 years since God first promised them descendants. Abram sleeps with Hagar, Sarai’s slave girl. Her pregnancy creates a rift in the family. Treated harshly by Sarai, Hagar runs away. God meets her there and promises Ishmael a large family, land… Hagar names God “El Roi” – the God who sees me. She returns to Sarai and Abram with God’s assurances of blessings.

Chapter 17 brings a reaffirmation of the covenant promises. “El Shaddai” – the God of power and might – invites Abram to walk with God. Abram becomes Abraham and Sarai becomes Sarah. This name change signals a new era and status for them. God initiates circumcision on the 8th day of life as a symbol of the covenant, saying, “Your flesh will embody my covenant as an enduring covenant.” That very day Abraham will circumcise his entire household, including himself at 99 years old. God assures Abraham and Sarah that the covenant will be fulfilled through their son Isaac. God tells them that Ishmael will be blessed too, but the covenant will run through Isaac’s descendants.

Reflecting on Abraham’s actions in these chapters, I wonder which Abraham I am most often like. Am I more often like the one who takes things into his own hands? Or am I more often like the one that acts on God’s word right then and now?

Prayer: Lord God, most of the time Abram/Abraham was a great example of faith. Guide me to be so obedient and faithful. At times, though, he stumbled and failed. At times, I do too. As you did with Abraham, continue to walk with me. Amen.

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