
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

God with Joseph

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Readings: Genesis 37, Genesis 38, Genesis 39, Genesis 40, Genesis 41

Genesis 39:2 – “The LORD was with Joseph, and he became a successful man.”

Chapter 37 gives us some great foreshadowing. Within his family, Joseph is both the most favored and the most deeply hated. He is Jacob’s favorite. He tattles and shares his dreams boastfully, leading his brothers to despise him. The ability to interpret dreams will come in useful in the next parts of Joseph’s life. The brothers’ hatred of Joseph eventually leads them to sell him into slavery and to lie to Jacob about it.

Chapter 38 interrupts Joseph’s story with the story of Tamar. Here we become more familiar with the practice of “levitate marriage” – a method of protecting widows and of insuring possession of ancestral lands. But greed gets in the way. This places Tamar in a very vulnerable position. She takes matters into her own hands and tricks Judah into sleeping with her. Tamar becomes pregnant. One of her twins is Perez, a direct ancestor of King David and, many years later, of Jesus.

Chapters 39-41 return to Joseph’s story. Three times we see this pattern play out: Joseph is wronged, he remains true, God blessed him and brings him success. Sold into slavery he is bought by Potiphar. Joseph excels and is made #2 in the household. Potiphar’s wife lies about him and Joseph ends up in prison. Here he excels and ends up #2 in the prison. He meets Pharaoh’s cup bearer and bread maker. God gives him the interpretation of their dreams. Joseph asks the cup bearer to remember him. Two years pass and Pharaoh has a dream that no officials can interpret.

The cup bearer remembers Joseph and God once again gives Joseph the interpretation. The healthy cows and grain are 7 abundant years followed by 7 years of famine – the sickly cows and grain. Joseph lays out a plan to survive the famine. Pharaoh is so impressed that he makes Joseph #2 in all of Egypt. Joseph is married to Asenath who bears two sons – Manasseh and Ephraim. The 7 year cycles unfold exactly as Joseph said they would. Egypt has bread during the famine and the world comes to Egypt to buy grain.

Today we again see God choosing the unlikely and then transforming and shaping them, leading and guiding them, eventually revealing God’s power. In Joseph’s story we see yet again how God can work all things for God’s purposes. As we allow God to work, trusting in God’s unfolding plan, we too will see God’s power at work.

Prayer: Lord God, soften me as you need to in order to use me as part of your plan. Fill me with a steadfast faith that yields to your will and to your ways. Amen.

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