
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

With and Without

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Readings: 1st Kings 20, 1st Kings 21, 1st Kings 22

1st Kings 20:13 – “Do you see that great army? Today I am handing it over to you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.”

Photo credit: Einar Storsul

Today’s readings center on war between Israel and Aram. Ben-hadad leads a huge army and makes demands of Ahab. After giving in to the first, Ahab refuses the next demand. God sends a prophet to Ahab, saying, “Do you see that great army? Today I am handing it over to you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.” District officials lead Israel to victory this day. Ahab sees what walking with God looks like. Warfare resumes the next spring. Again, the prophet brings basically the same words of assurance. A great victory is won. But Ahab is merciful to Ben-hadad, being disobedient to God. Another prophet reveals that it will now be Ahab’s life for Ben-hadad’s life. Walking without God has its consequences.

Upset and irritated, Ahab goes home. He tries to get something new to feel better. Been there? But Naboth refuses to sell his family inheritance. Ahab pouts. Jezreel notices and takes matters into her own hands. Through a sham trial she arranges Naboth’s death. While inspecting his new vineyard, Ahab is visited by Elijah. God condemns Ahab and Jezreel. In response, though, Ahab mourns and fasts. Because of this, disaster will fall in the next king.

There is again war with Aram. Ahab invites Jehoshaphat to fight alongside him. Prophets are consulted. A false spirit gives bad information. Sensing something is wrong, Jehoshaphat asks for another prophet. In the end, Micaiah reveals that soon Israel will be like sheep without a shepherd. Then, in spite of disguising himself, a “random” arrow hits Ahab. He dies. Israel and Judah retreat.

Jehoshaphat continues to rule in Judah, walking with God. Ahaziah, Ahab’s son, rules in Israel, walking without God. This angers the Lord. His story concludes tomorrow as we turn to 2nd Kings.

Prayer: Lord God, what a profound difference we find when we choose to walk with you. Spirit of God, help us when we are weak and tempted. Guide us to God’s heart and to walking with God. Amen.

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