
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Wait for the Lord…

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Readings: Psalms 128-130

‭Psalm 130:6 – “My whole being waits for my Lord — more than the night watch waits for morning; yes, more than the night watch waits for morning!”

Today’s three Psalms form the rest of the “Songs of Ascent.” Now, that’s not to say that Psalm 17 or Psalm 136 couldn’t be sung on one’s way up to Jerusalem. This is so because just like yesterday’s Psalms 120-127 and just like almost any “set” of Psalms, within these three we find cries to God, oppression by the wicked, trust in God to act, and praises for God’s blessings and presence.

Psalm 128 equated being faithful and working hard to having a truly happy life. It offers blessings for a fruitful wife who produces many children, who are like “freshly planted olive trees.” It closes with a hope to “see your grandchildren” – to experience long life, another sign of God’s blessing.

The psalmist cries out for relief in Psalm 129. The enemy has “plowed my back like farmers.” This implies being scourged. Yet God rescued the writer. He or she prays the enemy would be like “grass on the roof” – that they’d experience a very short life because they are evil.

Today’s reading closes with Psalm 130. It is part cry for help, part recognition of God’s great mercy, part encouragement to “wait for the Lord!” The psalmist is in need of forgiveness. They cry out for mercy. They are grateful that “forgiveness is in you” and they acknowledge that without God’s mercy, no one would make it. So they wait eagerly, “More than the night watch waits for morning!” The repetition emphasizes their desperation. The Psalm closes by encouraging Israel to also wait for the Lord. May we do so as well.

Prayer: Lord God, you are so good to us. Your mercy never ends, your grace abounds, your love never fails. You are our guide and our strength, our shield and our defender, our gracious redeemer and our sure hope. Thank you, O Lord our God! Amen.

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