
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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God Is…

Readings: Exodus 31, Exodus 32, Exodus 33, Exodus 34

Exodus 34:6-7 – “The LORD! A God who is compassionate and merciful, very patient, full of great loyalty and faithfulness… forgiving.”

Photo credit: Diego Gennaro

Chapter 31 begins with the appointment of two skilled artisans to oversee the building of the tabernacle. This is followed up by a reiteration of the Sabbath guidelines. God’s point: even the building of God’s home is not to be used as an excuse to break the Sabbath. All of our excuses pale by comparison.

The story of the gold bull calf fills chapter 32. The people go astray and Aaron goes along. Moses has been gone a long time. The people forget who and what God has been and done. An idol is made and is worshipped. God is ready to “devour” them in fury, but Moses intercedes, reminding God of their history. God’s anger relents. Moses and Joshua return to camp. Moses becomes furious, smashing the covenant tablets. He destroys the bull calf and forces the Israelites to drink its ash mixed in water. Moses then rallies the Levites. About 3,000 are killed by the sword. A plague then follows.

As chapter 33 begins, God refuses to go with these stubborn people. Moses sets up a tent outside of the camp, symbolic of real separation that their sin has created. God meets with Moses in the tent. The people are faithful, paying close attention. Moses again intercedes for the people, laying his relationship with God on the line. God relents. Moses is then allowed to see God’s glory. Passing by Moses, God declares that God is compassionate and merciful, very patient, full of great loyalty and faithfulness… forgiving.”

God then renews the covenant with the people. God warns the people about making a covenant with those that God will drive out. God instructs them to purge the land of the idols and altars that are there. They are warned about marrying the locals. God then reiterates much of the material from the first covenant. This time Moses comes down with a face aglow – reflecting God’s glory.

In today’s return to a story format we can again see ourselves – at times as the sinful, idol-worshipping Israelites and at times as Moses as he pleads with God. We can see ourselves as the Israelites eagerly watching for God and as the people who need warnings about the pagan culture around us. Through it all, though, both then and now, God remains compassionate and merciful, patient and forgiving. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, how true and faithful you are. What a long, patient walk you have been on with your children. I am awed by your love. Amen.