
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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God: Good, Creative, Loving

Readings: Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 3

Genesis 3:5 – “You will see clearly and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Photo credit: Marek Piwnicki

As we begin our adventure of reading the Bible in a year, we start at the beginning, in the creation story. Genesis 1 is a very familiar passage – day 1 there is light, day 2 the waters are separated, day 3 land is formed and plants are created… Four times we read, “God saw how good it was.” Then, on day 6, God creates humanity “in our image.” Creation is completed and God now says, “it was supremely good.” Humanity completes creation and raises it from good to supremely good. In chapter 1 we find two themes that run throughout the Bible: God is good and God creates or gives life.

Turning to Genesis 2 we read a different creation story. In this account we read that on day 3 God creates a man. Then, on day 6 of the original story, God creates a woman from the man’s rib. Among the rest of creation, a “helper that is perfect” could not be found so once again, God creates. In chapter 2 we experience our first dissonance. Our brain tells us that both stories cannot be “true.” Our brain is right. Here we learn an important thing about the Bible: it is not a book of “how” but is a book of “who” and of “what.” It is not a science or history book. The Bible is a book about our relationship with a good and loving God.

We close today’s reading with chapter 3. This is another very familiar story. The temptation and sin and fall of Adam and Eve represent another recurring theme in the Bible: human arrogance. Adam and Eve believe the snake’s words: “You will see clearly and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” To be like God – it’s too tempting to pass up. They eat and God’s heart is broken. They hide when God comes to walk and talk with them in the garden. God asks, “What have you done?” This certainly won’t be the last time God asks this question. And it won’t be the last time that God works to restore our relationship with God. All we can say is: thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, in love and with purpose, you created our world and you created us. You allowed us the freedom to choose you or other things. Then and now when we choose other things, your love does not fail, you still desire relationship, and you seek to draw us back to you. Thank you for your great love for all of creation, especially for us, O God. Amen.