
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Down, Down, Down

Readings: 1st Kings 12, 1st Kings 13, 1st Kings 14, 1st Kings 15, 1st Kings 16

1st Kings 14:8 – “I tore the kingdom from David’s house and gave it to you. But you haven’t been like my servant David.”

In today’s five chapters we see the unfolding of God’s judgment against Solomon’s house and against Israel. Rehoboam follows Solomon and has an opportunity to begin well. But immaturity leads to a split in the kingdom. Jeroboam becomes king of Israel, the ten northern tribes. Rehoboam rules Judah – made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Egypt attacks a weak Judah and carries off all of the wealth that Solomon had gathered.

In the north Jeroboam sets up two places of worship – alternatives to Jerusalem – each with its own golden calf. He appoints his own priests and sets up his own religious festivals (that mirror the traditional festivals.) A man of God comes to him and warns him of the outcome of his sin, twice demonstrating God’s power. The man of God is tricked by another prophet and he dies a tragic death. Jeroboam continues in his evil ways. His son gets sick and he sends his wife, in a disguise, to the prophet Ahijah. He tells her the son will die and he tells her that all of Jeroboam’s house will die too.

We then shift back to Judah, where Rehoboam is doing evil in God’s eyes. They worship foreign gods and engage in illicit sex with the cultic prostitutes. Rehoboam dies and his son Abijam rules three years, doing evil in God’s eyes. His son Asa rules next. Asa is our one bright spot. He removes the prostitutes and the idols. He even removes his grandmother from her position as the queen mother. She was an idol worshipper. But he allows the shrines to remain and he forms an alliance with Aram.

We shift back to Israel as Nadab rules. After two years Baasha kills him and all of Jeroboam’s house. He rules 22 years, doing evil in God’s eyes. Jehu the prophet comes and warns him of his downfall. Things do not change. Zimri assassinates Baasha and then kills all of his household. Zimri rules for seven days. Omri the general leads next, for 12 years. Evil increases under Omri. His son Ahab rules next. Ahab does even more evil than anyone before him. He worships Baal and Asherah. The stage is set. The low point has been reached in Israel. It is time for God to return to the scene in full force.

Prayer: Lord God, one after another after another do evil in your eyes. Down, down, down goes Israel and Judah. A moment of light and hope comes, then Israel goes further down the slope. Yet we know the end of the story. Thank you for that. It’s needed with readings like today’s. Amen.