
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Temple Completion

Readings: 2nd Chronicles 1, 2nd Chronicles 2, 2nd Chronicles 3, 2nd Chronicles 4, 2nd Chronicles 5:1

‭2 Chronicles 1:1 – “Solomon, David’s son, was securely established over his kingdom because the LORD his God was with him.”

2nd Chronicles begins in a great place – Solomon is “securely established” as the king of Israel. He gathers all Israel and offers a great sacrifice at Gibeon. God appears that night in a dream, inviting Solomon to ask for whatever he wants. It is wisdom and knowledge to lead well. God grants this request as well as promising wealth and fame – the two things other kings would’ve asked for. Solomon acquires a vast number of horses and chariots, evidence of his wealth.

Chapter 2 through 5:1 covers the building of the temple. Solomon secures a needed craftsman as well as lumber from Hiram of Tyre in exchange for wheat, barley, wine, and oil. A huge immigrant work force is gathered and construction begins. The temple is built on the former site of Ornan’s threshing floor. The main temple is built, followed by the porch and the holy place. All is covered in gold, gems, carvings, and embroidery. Winged creatures are made for the holy place. The curtain and two columns are made. The altar, Sea, lampstands, tables, and bowls are made. Lastly, all of the small pieces are made: tongs, wick trimmers, censers…

Now that the temple and all of its equipment is completed, Solomon brings the gold, silver, and other objects that David has dedicated to God to the temple treasuries. All is set to dedicate the temple to the Lord.

Prayer: Lord God, what great detail. What great care. These are echoes of the detail and care that went into the construction of the tabernacle. God, help us to give such great detail and care to the building of our faith. And, Lord, may our lives reflect the magnificent beauty of your love. Amen.

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Here Am I

Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

Verse 8: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'”

Photo credit: Daniel Hooper

Imagine being in Isaiah’s place as chapter 6 opens! He has a vision or experience of heaven. He sees God on the throne, “high and exalted.” There are magnificent creatures, called “seraphs,” hovering above the throne. These beings with 6 wings sang in powerful voices, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is filled with God’s glory.” Their song shakes the doorposts and thresholds of heaven. What an amazing and powerful experience!

Suddenly, right in the middle of this splendor and might, Isaiah has a realization. He does not really “fit” in this perfect place. Discomfort riding, he blurts out, “Woe is me! I am ruined! I am a man of unclean lips.” Have you ever felt really out of place before? As the realization sunk in perhaps you too thought, “Oh no…” Isaiah also extends this thought to the people that God has sent him to. They are “a people of unclean lips.” Double trouble!

Yet God, our God of compassion and mercy and grace, recognizes Isaiah’s distress. One of the seraphs takes a live coal and touches Isaiah’s lips – those unclean lips – and says, “Your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” He is made right, able to stand holy and pure before God in that moment. It is like the moment when we’ve confessed and repented and take in the juice and the bread. Then too we stand for a moment perfect in God’s site.

Into this moment God asks, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” God needs a servant. God needs someone to minister to these people of unclean lips. This same needs exists today. Isaiah responds to God’s plea, saying, “Here am I. Send me.” May our response be the same.

Prayer: Lord God, use me today to draw someone closer to you. By the power of the Holy Spirit living in me, send me to the one in need. There, give me the words that they need to hear. Amen.