
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Actively Using our Gifts

Reading: Matthew 25:14-18

Verse 14: “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them.”

This week’s parable begins, “Again, it will be like…” The ‘again’ refers to Jesus’ continuing teaching on the kingdom of heaven. That’s the ‘it’ in these opening words. The prior parable was all about keeping awake and being prepared. That is step one in our Christian journey. As Jesus continues, we get to step two.

In today’s text a man is “going on a journey.” Jesus is offering words of instruction to his followers. Right now the disciples are mostly watching Jesus. One day he’ll go and they will be the ones tasked with sharing the good news, healing a broken world… This task falls to each new generation of Christ followers.

The man in our parable gives each servant some talents or money. The amounts varied – “each according to his [or her] ability.” While there are no instructions given, the implication is that they will use this gift in accordance with their ability or giftedness. There are a few layers to this part of the parable. When Jesus departed this world he gifted the disciples with the Holy Spirit. This indwelling presence leads and guides and teaches his followers. As we enter into a relationship with Jesus, we too receive this gift. The second gifting comes in the love, hope, peace, joy, forgiveness, grace… that we receive from the Lord. Our third gifting is our particular talents as nurses, teachers, parents, accountants, coaches… The implication of the parable applies to us in all of these layers. We are to use all of these gifts for the building up of the kingdom of God. So the question is this: Are we actively using our giftedness for God’s glory?

Prayer: Lord God, you’ve given me much – unconditional love, unending grace, undeserved forgiveness… As I know these more and more, guide me to use and share them more and more. You’ve blessed me with the gifts of teaching and serving. Employ these too to build your kingdom here on earth. Amen.