
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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When God Calls…

Reading: Genesis 24:58-67

Verse 58: “I will go.”

After hearing the servant’s account of God’s leading and guiding, Rebekah’s brothers ask her if she will go with the servant. Without hesitation she says, “I will go.” The evidence of God’s hand at work must’ve been strong. She was leaving almost everything and everyone behind to go with a man she’d just met to marry a man she’s never met to live in a place she’d never been. This was a really big “I will go.”

We make choices and decisions all the time. Some are big and important – to marry, to move, to switch jobs, to have kids… We too experience God’s guiding and leading. This often helps in our decision-making. When “doors” open or close we perceive God at work. When the Holy Spirit whispers or nudges or speaks, we sense God at work. In the big decisions we often seek God through prayer or by studying the Bible. Because of this we are open to God’s presence and direction.

We can struggle, though, to sense God at work or to listen to or feel the Spirit in the ordinary. A young woman went to fetch water – for cooking, for cleaning, for the animals? It was for some task that she needed to do. How often do we ignore or put off the prompting because we have a meeting to get to or because we are focused on our task? She paused what she was doing to encounter the stranger and to meet his needs. It was a simple act of welcome and hospitality and generosity. And look where God took it from there!

In those moments when God calls or when the Holy Spirit rises in our hearts or minds, may we be as willing to respond, stepping into a role in God’s kingdom building. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, you are there in the small, everyday just as much as you are in the big and important. Help me to understand that I’m not as big and important as I tend to think. Help me to realize that all opportunities matter, that you are in all things. Amen.