
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The One Who Does Right

Readings: 1st Samuel 25, 1st Samuel 26, 1st Samuel 27, 1st Samuel 28

1st Samuel 25:28 – “The LORD will definitely make an enduring dynasty for my master because my master fights the LORD’s battles.”

Chapter 25 brings us the story of Abigail – another female heroine who does what is right in the eyes of the Lord. She is married to Nabal, who harshly and arrogantly refuses to help David and his soldiers. This angers David and leads his to say, “Strap on your swords!” Abigail hears of all this and quickly prepares a gift, heading out to intercept David. She moves his heart away from bloodshed and vengeance with her wise words. She also tells him, “The LORD will definitely make an enduring dynasty for my master because my master fights the LORD’s battles.” He accepts her wisdom and her gifts and sends her home in peace. When Nabal hears the story, his heart fails and he soon dies. Abigail then becomes David’s wife.

Saul then comes again in pursuit of David. God causes a deep sleep to come over Saul’s camp. David and Abishai sneak into camp and steal Saul’s spear and water jug. In the morning, David confronts Abner about what has happened. Saul realizes that David has spared his life a second time: mercy.2.0. Saul blesses David and he returns back home. David settles in the land of the Philistines.

Then the Philistines again come out for war. Saul gathers the troops. He tries to consult God, but God is silent. Through a medium at Endor, Samuel is called up from the grave. Samuel reiterates what he had said before – the kingdom will be torn away. He adds something Saul likely knew – it will be given “to your friend David.” And he adds ominous news – tomorrow Saul and his sons will die at the hands of the Philistines. Saul is “utterly terrified.” We are drawing close to a transition in leadership. The one who does right in the eyes of the Lord is being guided and blessed by God. May it be so with you and with me.

Prayer: Lord God, in the midst of the foolishness, poor decisions, and overly emotional responses you continue to steadfastly guide, using this person here and that person there to accomplish your plans. Continue to lead and guide us, your servants, through the chaos and uncertainty of this world. Amen.