
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Open Hearts, Open Doors

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Reading: Matthew 9:9-13

Verse 11: “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

In today’s text we first see Matthew being called by Jesus. Hearing a simple “Follow me” he gets up and leaves that life. We do not know what led Matthew to respond as he did. All we know is that he did follow. News must’ve spread. By evening Jesus and his disciples are at Matthew’s house for dinner. Many “tax collectors and sinners” are gathered there too. The crowd that was gathered drew this question from the Pharisees: “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” They took offense over who Jesus breaks bread with.

Jesus does not take offense at either the question or the crowd that sits at the table with him. It is quite the opposite. Using a medical analogy, he first tells the Pharisees that these folks are exactly why he came to earth. Again and again, throughout the gospels, Jesus repeats this message about coming for sinners, not for the righteous.

As Christians we can get stuck where the Pharisees are. As a pastor and as a church we can become happy with the status quo. I’ll prepare a nice little sermon and we’ll gather on Sunday morning, happy to see our friends once again. We repeat it Sunday after Sunday. What would happen if we extended the offer of Jesus more regularly? What if we cast the net a bit wider, being more generous with our invitations to follow Jesus?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if our neighbors started asking the question more and more: Why does your teacher/pastor/church eat (or worship or fellowship) with the sinners? That leads to the question: Is anyone welcome at your church (in your home)? And that leads to the thought: Maybe I’m welcome there too. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, remove first the fears of rejection and if being judged by the company we keep. Replace these fears with an open and generous heart, with a kind and compassionate soul. Open our hearts and the doors of our churches. Amen.

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