
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Faith Is Like…

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Reading: Matthew 13:31-33

Verses 31 and 33: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed… is like yeast… worked all through the dough.”

Photo credit: Lidia Nikole

Today and tomorrow we work through a series of “the kingdom of heaven is like” statements from Jesus that are found in Matthew 13. These short bursts, when taken alone, are small truths about our faith. Taken as a whole, though, they paint a bigger picture than we can see and understand from just any one of these mini-parables.

The first parable tells us that “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed.” This bush begins as a tiny seed that is planted in the garden. With good sunlight and soil, with adequate water, the tiny seed grows into a large plant. Once mature, it provides a place for birds to perch, offering rest and shelter. Once upon a time someone planted a tiny seed of faith in our heart. Others nurtured our faith and others tended to it, helping it to grow. As we mature in our faith, we too become seed planters. And we also become able to give to others, offering and helping them to find rest and to find shelter in the storms.

The second parable tells us that “The kingdom of heaven… is like yeast… worked all through the dough.” Yeast is also a very tiny organism. A packet that we add to the dough contains hundreds of yeast. Once mixed in it is almost hidden – too small to easily see amongst the flour, sugar, eggs… And yet it is still there. As the yeast matures it affects the dough, causing it to rise. Our faith is also like the yeast. It is not just one seed planted but many. As our faith grows, we learn this here, we experience that there, we overcome an obstacle or struggle. Hope or peace or strength or trust rises up in us. Our faith, like the yeast in dough, works through all of our life, in the highs, lows, and everything in between. Thanks be to God for the many workings of faith.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for those who planted seeds in my faith life and thank you for those who have nurtured and taught and encouraged my faith over these many years. Use me in the these ways too, O God, helping your kingdom to grow and rise up in our world. Amen.

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